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Developmental Services
Case Management Services
Case management is a support system that assists consumers with intellectual disabilities to plan and coordinate services. The consumer is assessed for needs, and a service plan is developed to address their needs. These services are coordinated and monitored by the case manager who assures that the consumer is receiving appropriate services. If necessary services do not exist, the case manager advocates for the establishment of services.
Supported Living / In-Home
These are licensed services provided to consumers in a small living arrangement, usually 2-3 consumers living in a shared home or apartment, or supportive and training services provided to a private home environment. These individuals also receive a vast array of other services from PCS as well as services from our private affiliates, especially work and day support services. PCS has successfully helped transition consumers back into the community after long-term placements, most often at stats training centers. These services allow individuals to return to their own communities or prevent a more costly and disruptive situation from occurring.
Psychosocial Rehab. (Horizons)​
There are three psychosocial programs, referred to as "Horizons", located in Martinsville, Rocky Mount and Stuart. These programs are for adults with serious mental illnesses and are part of a comprehensive individualized mental health treatment plan developed to support an array of services including: counseling, rehabilitation, case management, crisis services, housing, and supported employment. Fewer psychiatric hospitalizations and recovery are the goals of every person with mental illness. Focus is upon strengthening each consumer's ability to manage symptoms of their mental illness. Emphasis is also placed upon supporting individuals regaining skills needed to live and socialize successfully in the community.
Residential Services
Piedmont Community Services owns and operates apartments for consumers in Franklin and Henry Counties who are in need of temporary housing or long-term residence because of their disability, such as mental health, intellectual disabilities and/or substance abuse problems. These consumers are monitored very closely and often receive case management services or supportive services designed to enable them to live as independently as possible. These services are designed to help consumers integrate into the community. In some instances, PCS fulfills the responsibility of acting as the landlord for a smaller number of consumers who do not require more intensive services.
Group Homes
Group homes provide congregate living arrangements to a small group of adult consumers with recognized developmental disabilities. Consumers receive primary care, which is comprised of room, board, and general supervision through licensed programs operated by PCS. In addition, they receive assistance training, and specialized supervision according to their individual support needs and preferences. Each resident is encouraged to be as independent as possible with daily living activities, hopefully to achieve an improved quality of life through integration in community activities.
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